HLLI Claims Victory with Repeal of California COVID-19 “Disinformation” Statute

Thanks to the courage of HLLI’s clients, Governor Newsom and the California State legislature have conceded defeat and repealed AB 2098, a California state law that restricted doctors’ First Amendment free speech rights by threatening disciplinary action against their license for discussing with patients anything about COVID-19 that the State views as “disinformation” or “misinformation.”

HLLI Files Emergency Appeal with Ninth Circuit to Enjoin AB 2098

Yesterday, the Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute filed its opening brief with the Ninth Circuit in its suit by Doctors Michael Couris and Michael Fitzgibbons challenging a new California state law, AB 2098, that restricts doctors’ First Amendment free speech rights by threatening disciplinary action for discussing with patients anything about COVID-19 that the State views as “misinformation.” 

Couris v. Lawson et al.

HLLI filed suit on behalf of Doctors Michael Couris and Michael Fitzgibbons challenging a California state law that restricts doctors’ First Amendment free speech rights by threatening disciplinary action against their license for discussing with patients anything about COVID-19 that the State views as “misinformation.”

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