Gov. Newsom’s lame excuses for banning AI-generated parody

On Wednesday, Gavin Newsom theatrically signed three bills. One, AB 2839, allows virtually anyone to sue those who post parody videos, images, and memes of politicians running for office—when they’re with artificial intelligence (AI). Another, AB 2655, will soon browbeat large online platforms into taking down videos that don’t satisfy California’s requirements—or else face penalties themselves. We at the Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute (HLLI) tracked these appalling bills ever since Gov.…

Kohls v. Bonta

HLLI filed a lawsuit on behalf of Christopher Kohls, known as “Mr. Reagan,” the creator satirical political videos, including one called out by Gov. Gavin Newsom as being “illegal” under the bills he signed on September 17, 2024.

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