Federal Court Sides with Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute’s Center for Class Action Fairness; Strike-Suit Filers Violated Securities Law and Rule 11

Washington D.C. — In a victory against unfair class action practices, a district judge found that so-called “strike-suit” plaintiffs violated a securities law and Rule 11 by filing frivolous suits against Akorn, Inc. and its board in 2017, when Akorn was in the process of approving an unsuccessful merger. Strike suits are nuisance demands of merging companies to disclose additional trivial information in exchange for a fee for lawyers to drop…

‘Mootness Fees’ Are Beyond Court’s Purview, 7th Circ. Hears

Frank has also argued for sanctions against the law firms and an injunction barring them from securing attorneys fees without court approval. He said he can’t afford to intervene in each of the many dozens of cases that are resolved with mootness fees. “It’s not enough to have this whack-a-mole game that will not deter the behavior,” he told Law360.

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