Fox News: Stanford prof accused of using AI to fake testimony in Minnesota case against conservative YouTuber
Fox News covered HLLI's motion to exclude testimony from an “AI and misinformation” expert in Kohls v. Ellison.
Fox News covered HLLI's motion to exclude testimony from an “AI and misinformation” expert in Kohls v. Ellison.
Zero Hedge wrote about our free speech lawsuit, Kohls v. Ellison, where one of the state of Minnesota's experts cited an AI-generated study that does not exist.
Law & Crime reported on our case, Kohls v. Ellison, where the state of Minnesota's expert submitted evidence citing AI-generated studies that do not exist.
Silicon Valley wrote about Kohls v Ellison, where an expert from Stanford serving as an expert for the state of Minnesota submitted false information generated by AI.
Original Jurisdiction wrote about our case, Kohls v. Ellison, where the state of Minnesota filed an export that contained AI hallucinations.
The Minnesota Reformer reports on the incredible expert declaration by an “AI and misinformation” expert filed in Kohls v. Ellison.
Volokh Conspiracy covers HLLI's motion to exclude testimony from an “AI and misinformation” expert in Kohls v. Ellison, who ironically cited fictional journal articles in his declaration, which were apparently hallucinated by an AI model like ChatGPT. wrote about our case, Kohls v. Bonta, defending free speech in California.
Ron Coleman featured Ted Frank on an episode of his podcast, discussing his win in Kohls v. Bonta.
The Alabama Political Reporter covered our recent free speech victory when Attorney General Steve Marshall committed that parody falls outside the scope of the recently enacted HB 172.