Judge Tosses Glucosamine Settlement

Posner, ruling in favor of objectors in Pearson v. NBTY, outlines a series of conflicts and deceptions that any class-action lawyer worth her salt would sue over in an instant. But in this case it was the lawyers who perpetrated them, with the help of a judge who was all too willing to overlook the economic realities of the consumer class-action business.

Cy Pres You’ll Read This

Today, Washington Legal Foundation published a short and useful working paper authored by James M. Beck and Rachel B. Weil titled "Cy Pres" Awards: Is the End Near for a Legal Remedy With No Basis in Law?

McClellan: Divvying Up $2.7 Million in Leftovers

"The big question was this: Why should money belonging to the class members be given to a charity — no matter how much the judge and the class-action lawyers like the charity? The judge in this instance is U.S. District Judge Carol Jackson. The lawyers are from the firm of Green Jacobson."

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