CCAF Asks Supreme Court to Hear Challenge on Duracell Class Action Settlement

Today, the Center for Class Action Fairness petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case challenging an abusive class action practice where trial lawyers pay themselves the bulk of the cash recovery ($5.7 million), the class members receive just a fraction of that ($344,000), and the settlement hands out millions to third parties who are not part of the class.

CCAF Objects to Egregious 30% Fee Grab by Counsel in Polyurethane Class Suit Settlement

CCAF attorney Anna St. John said, “If awarded in full, the excessive fee requested by class counsel would transfer to plaintiffs’ attorneys tens of millions of dollars that rightfully belong to class members. It’s an all-too-common example of attorneys purporting to represent consumers harmed by unlawful business practices, when in reality these attorneys try to harm those same consumers again by seeking far more than they are entitled to by law.”

In re Capital One TCPA Litigation Seventh Circuit appeal

We do not contend that a court can never award such a generous hourly rate. But the Seventh Circuit has “held repeatedly that, when deciding on appropriate fee levels in common-fund cases, courts must do their best to award counsel the market price for legal services, in light of the risk of nonpayment and the normal rate of compensation in the market at the time.” We do not believe a sophisticated arms-length transaction would produce this sort of windfall for these sorts of results, and we have appealed, filing our opening brief Monday. 

Big cy pres victory in 8th Circuit: Oetting v. Green Jacobson

For years, parties have used cy pres—the practice of giving settlement money to charity instead of the class—in abusive ways. When proposed by defendants, cy pres can be used to create the illusion of relief to justify greater attorneys' fees at the expense of the class when in fact all that is happening is that the defendant is changing accounting entries on charitable donations it would have made anyway. When cy pres is used to justify…

Judge Tosses Glucosamine Settlement

Posner, ruling in favor of objectors in Pearson v. NBTY, outlines a series of conflicts and deceptions that any class-action lawyer worth her salt would sue over in an instant. But in this case it was the lawyers who perpetrated them, with the help of a judge who was all too willing to overlook the economic realities of the consumer class-action business.

Cy Pres You’ll Read This

Today, Washington Legal Foundation published a short and useful working paper authored by James M. Beck and Rachel B. Weil titled "Cy Pres" Awards: Is the End Near for a Legal Remedy With No Basis in Law?

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