Bi-Partisan Group of Attorneys General File Brief Supporting CCAF’s Challenge of ProFlowers’ Worthless Coupon Settlement

Attorneys general from 13 states filed an amicus brief supporting the Center for Class Action Fairness (CCAF) in its challenge of an unfair class action coupon settlement that involves Provide Commerce, Inc., the parent company of The case, In re: Easysaver Rewards Litigation, is on appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In Easysaver, class counsel intentionally inflated the value of the settlement—to the tune of $38 million—in order to…

Bi-Partisan Group of Attorneys General File Brief Supporting CCAF’s Challenge of ProFlowers’ Worthless Coupon Settlement
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Center for Class Action Fairness Changes Landscape of ‘Cy Pres’ Settlements

This blog post was published when the Center for Class Action Fairness was a project of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The Center for Class Action Fairness (CCAF) has long opposed abusive “cy pres” settlements that benefit third-party beneficiaries instead of compensating class members; Ted Frank wrote about the issue in 2008 before founding CCAF, and Ted Frank has testified to Congress concerning cy pres settlements. As Reuters reporter Alison Frankel wrote after CCAF’s win in the Eighth…

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell Just as Sweet, but These Flower-Delivery Settlement Coupons Are Noisome Even When You Call Them “E-Credits”

Academics don’t often have the opportunity to publish an article opining on the correctness of a pending appeal, but our appeal in EasySaver Rewards Litigation, challenging a settlement that pays attorneys nearly $9 million and the class only $225,000 and nearly worthless coupons, is one such case.

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell Just as Sweet, but These Flower-Delivery Settlement Coupons Are Noisome Even When You Call Them “E-Credits”
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CCAF Objects to Settlement Where Lawyers Make $1 Million, Class Gets Changes to Olive Oil Bottles

CCAF recently objected to the proposed class action settlement, class certification, and class attorneys' fees request in Kumar v. Salov North America Corp. on behalf of class member Ted Frank. The plaintiffs in this case alleged the defendant deceptively marketed their Filippo Berio brand olive oil as “Imported from Italy,” when many of the olives used to make the oil came from other countries.

Class Action Lawyers in Target Case Hoard the Settlement Pie

Imagine a family dinner table where Dad is deciding how large a piece of pie each of his three children get. All three children are good and deserving. But Dad first takes a generous slice for himself—more than a third of the pie—and then gives the rest to his favorite child. The rest of the kids get nothing.

CCAF Gets $405,000 Win for Class in Citigroup Case

“In a class action settlement with Citigroup shareholders, lawyers tried to direct a leftover balance from the settlement fund to advocacy groups that clash with the interests of class members,” said Ted Frank. “But now, after CEI objected to that unfair outcome, class attorneys have discovered a way to send those remaining settlement dollars to class members.”

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