CCAF Objects to Unfair Petrobras Settlement that Groups U.S. and Foreign Purchasers Together, Attorneys Overbill Class by $100M

The Center for Class Action Fairness objected on behalf of a class member to an unfair settlement and an excessive attorneys’ fees request in In re Petrobras Securities Litigation; plaintiffs’ attorneys inflated their fees and overbilled class members for “project attorneys” earning $325-$625/hour for what is relatively risk-free litigation, following widespread government investigations.

Google Privacy Case To Test Limits Of Novel Settlements

Law360 cited CCAF attorney Anna St. John and Director of Litigation Ted Frank after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear CEI's case, Frank v. Gaos. CEI hopes the court rules in our favor and creates a standard that forbids attorneys from misusing class action settlements to selfishly put themselves and third parties ahead of their clients.​ Justices are set for the first time to consider the cy pres remedy, which distributes awards in class actions to parties…

Supreme Court Grants Cert in Google Privacy Case Frank v. Gaos

Today the Supreme Court granted cert in Frank v. Gaos, a challenge to the class action settlement negotiated by the plaintiffs’ lawyers in Gaos v. Google which provided $0 to class members and $8.5 million to be divided between the plaintiffs’ lawyers – who received $1000/hour on this case – and third-party charities unrelated to the case.

‘Cy Pres’ Settlement Review

But Theodore Frank and Melissa Ann Holyoak objected to what is called a “cy pres” agreement and said Monday they were gratified the court had taken the case. “We are hopeful that the Supreme Court’s review will result in a standard forbidding attorneys from misusing class-action settlements to selfishly put themselves and third parties ahead of their clients,” said Frank

Class Settlement Flaw Exposed in Case Over Smart Phone Batteries

Bloomberg Law discusses our ninth-circuit appeal in the lithium ion antitrust litigation: A possible vehicle for federal courts to revisit the inconsistent treatment comes in an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by a class action advocacy group. The Center for Class Action Fairness is seeking to undo an October 2017 settlement in In Re: Lithium Ion Batteries Antitrust Litigation, a multi-district lawsuit on a price-fixing…

Class Settlement Flaw Exposed in Case Over Smart Phone Batteries
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