CEI Asks Court to Compel FCC to Respond to Petition on Charter Cable Merger

After over a year and a half without response from the agency, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is representing individuals taking the Federal Communications Commission to court regarding the 2016 Charter/Brighthouse/Time Warner cable merger. Arguing that the FCC has a statutory obligation to respond to CEI’s June 2016 petition, CEI today requests the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to compel the agency to fulfill its duty to…

Lithium Case Unfairly Groups Nationwide Class Together

The settlement in this antitrust price-fixing case unlawfully reduces the recovery of those class members who have stronger claims than others. In this type of settlement, relief distributed pro rata to a nationwide class is a false justice because those with legitimate claims receive less relief than they deserve while class members with no legal claim stand to receive an undeserved windfall.

CCAF Opposes Unfair Art.com Settlement

Class Attorneys Poised to Rake in $745k while class gets $10 coupons Objecting today to the class action settlement in Knapp v. Art.com, the CCenter for Class Action Fairness (CCAF) opposes the settlement which provides class members with a $10 voucher while class counsel rakes in $745,000 in fees. “This settlement exemplifies the abusive coupon settlements that Congress tried to stop with the Class Action Fairness Act,” said CCAF attorney Ted Frank.…

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