CCAF Wins Attorney Fee Challenge After Ninth Circuit Rules EasySaver Settlement Violated CAFA

“We are gratified that the court rejected class counsel’s attempt to evade the Class Action Fairness Act’s restrictions on coupon settlements, but the fact that the court was willing to countenance attorneys choosing to prefer their alma mater and local San Diego schools to nationwide class recovery while collecting 15 to 40 times as much as their clients shows why the Supreme Court needs to reverse in Frank v. Gaos. We are considering our options for further review.”

CCAF Files Supreme Court Brief in Case Challenging Abuse of Class Action System

Today the Center for Class Action Fairness filed its opening brief in Frank v. Gaos, a case before the U.S. Supreme Court challenging a class action settlement that provided zero dollars to class members, more than $2 million to the lawyers, and the remaining $5.3 million to third-party organizations unrelated to the case. Those organizations include class counsel’s alma maters and nonprofits to which defendant Google already contributes. This unfair practice of giving away class members’ money…

CCAF Objects to Unfair Petrobras Settlement that Groups U.S. and Foreign Purchasers Together, Attorneys Overbill Class by $100M

The Center for Class Action Fairness objected on behalf of a class member to an unfair settlement and an excessive attorneys’ fees request in In re Petrobras Securities Litigation; plaintiffs’ attorneys inflated their fees and overbilled class members for “project attorneys” earning $325-$625/hour for what is relatively risk-free litigation, following widespread government investigations.

Supreme Court Grants Cert in Google Privacy Case Frank v. Gaos

Today the Supreme Court granted cert in Frank v. Gaos, a challenge to the class action settlement negotiated by the plaintiffs’ lawyers in Gaos v. Google which provided $0 to class members and $8.5 million to be divided between the plaintiffs’ lawyers – who received $1000/hour on this case – and third-party charities unrelated to the case.

CCAF Appeals Lithium Ion Batteries Antitrust Settlement

The Center for Class Action Fairness filed its opening brief in an appeal of the settlement in In re Lithium Ion Batteries Antitrust Litigation today, arguing that the Ninth Circuit should decertify the class and reverse the settlement approval. The settlement in this antitrust price-fixing case unlawfully reduces the recovery of class members who have stronger claims than others. In this type of settlement, relief distributed pro rata to a nationwide class is a false justice…

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