Iowa v. SEC

HLLI filed an amicus brief in the Eighth Circuit in Iowa v. SEC, challenging the SEC’s new regulation requiring publicly traded companies to make climate-related disclosures in securities filings.

UAW Local 4811’s Illegal Strike for Anti-Israel Encampments at the University of California

HLLI filed an amicus brief on behalf of a graduate student worker who opposed UAW Local 4811’s apparently-unlawful strike on behalf of so-called “Palestinian Solidarity Encampments.” The union’s political demands, if successful, would make Jewish graduate student workers less safe and less able to speak freely on campus, where anti-Israel encampments have seized public spaces.

Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp. v. The School Committee for the City of Boston

Docket number: 23-1137 (U.S.) The Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute filed an amicus brief with the American Civil Rights Project and Manhattan Institute supporting Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp.’s petition for writ of certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court. The case challenges an admissions process used by three prestigious “exam schools” operated by Boston Public Schools that is transparently and unconstitutionally based on racial proxies, with the goal of achieving…

East Bay Sanctuary v. Biden

HLLI’s amicus brief underscores concerns about the apparent collaboration between the government and private litigants to sidestep accountability and push through policy changes that might otherwise face hurdles. This tactic, often called “sue and settle” raises constitutional and policy questions and bypasses the normal political process while allowing the executive branch to evade accountability.

Louisiana v. EPA

HLLI fought back against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to enforce its Title VI regulation as a catch-all, all-purpose disparate-impact regulation in the face of legal precedent foreclosing EPA’s novel interpretation. The court enjoined enforcement of the new interpretation.

Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board

HLLI joined the American Civil Rights Project and the Manhattan Institute to support Coalition for TJ's petition for certiorari challenging Fairfax County School Board's race-based admissions scheme as a violation of the Constitution’s equal protection guarantee. 

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