The Stanford Daily: Stanford misinformation expert accused of using AI to fabricate court statement

The Stanford Daily covered our case, Kohls v Ellison, defending free speech, and the state of Minnesota’s AI expert, a Stanford professor, submitting AI-generated studies that don’t exist.

Pointing out the errors in Hancock’s declaration in a Nov. 16 filing, Franson and Kohls’ attorney Frank Berdnarz called for it to be excluded from the judge’s consideration of whether to give a preliminary injunction against the law.

“The citation bears the hallmarks of being an artificial intelligence (AI) ‘hallucination,’ suggesting that at least the citation was generated by a large language model like ChatGPT,” Berdnarz wrote. “The existence of a fictional citation Hancock (or his assistants) didn’t even bother to click calls into question the quality and veracity of the entire declaration.”

Read more at The Stanford Daily.

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