Ignites: Republican AGs on SEC’s Climate Rule: ‘Arbitrary and Capricious’

Ignites, a publication from The Financial Times, covered HLLI’s amicus brief in Iowa v. SEC.

A group of 25 Republican state attorneys general led by Iowa said that the Securities and Exchange Commission lacks statutory authority to mandate climate-related disclosures, according to a brief filed Friday…

The Cato Institute, Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute
and Manhattan Institute all filed letters of support for the lawsuits on Friday and Monday, court documents show.

“We believe that these types of disclosures are going to lead to costly and frequently meritless class action litigation that won’t benefit shareholders and surely won’t benefit the environment and will really only primarily enrich class action attorneys,” said
Neville Hedley, an attorney at Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute.

Read more at Ignites (subscription required).

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