Colgate-Palmolive Softsoap Antibacterial Hand Soap Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation

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Docket number: No. 12-md-2320 (D.N.H.)

In this action, Plaintiffs allege that defendant falsely marketed an ingredient in its antibacterial soap as eliminating 99% of germs.

CCAF objected to the settlement that would pay class counsel $2 million and would leave the class members with nothing but valueless labeling changes on a product defendant was no longer selling. The objection was overruled. CCAF noticed appeal concerning cy pres payments to non-class members, but dismissed the appeal when this became moot.

This case was originally brought by the Center for Class Action Fairness. From October 2015 until its conclusion, it was a project of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Case Documents

Sep 21, 2017 OBJECTION of Anna St. John to Proposed Class Action Settlement


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